Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4th, 2009 - X-BOX Arrives

Broadcast message from user@localhost

Today I arranged a meeting with my friend Emanuel because he is selling me his X-BOX, we met at the lab (LIDSOL) and after a little chatting (while the lab was being cleaned by Julio, the social service guys and myself) I got the xbox with its original cardboard box. I didn't had my TV card (see previous posts) so I had to wait until I get home to see if the xbox was working properly.

I got home at night and checked plugged the xbox to the TV card and I was a little surprised to see the xbox error code shown below

I'm saying "a little surprised" because Emanuel warned me about the xbox was lacking it's hard drive, after a little researching on the 05 error code, I found out this error is caused because a retail bios is expecing to find a locked harddrive and if it finds an unlocked drive, then the error is shown and the system halts.

As I read in some pages the locking procedure goes as follows
  1. Turn on the target xbox with it's default harddrive, this xbox must be modded in order to boot non-legit media (such as the Evolution-X CD).
  2. Once the Evolution-X dashboard is launched, ftp the xbox and backup all drives.
  3. Within the Evoution-X menu get the HDD key and save it as well.
  4. Once the HDD key has been saved, the new harddisk may be properly locked and installed into the target xbox.
  5. If everything goes well, the new HDD will be properly detected and the xbox will load normally.
But, it results I don't have the xbox HDD Key, thus I'm unable to properly ock the hdd to be recognized on the xbox. There was another proceess involving a xbox modchip with bios replacement, basically the second bios does allow the use of unlocked drives and If i wish I can lock the drive with the Evolution-X CD to make the retail bios boot normally.

I need a modchip for about a day! I see pointless buying a modchip I'm using just for one day (apart from being quite expensive on my country). Hope I can talke my xbox with a friend of a friend who may helpme with this locking thing, the process itself (apart from soldering the modchip) is quite simple. So no big deal with the correct tools (and technical background).

I hope to get the xbox up and running by the end of this month :)

init 0

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